
The Student Academic Affairs Committee (SAAC) is established to:
  • ensure the College of Engineering Faculty Council has adequate and appropriate policies for student admission, promotion, graduation, assessment and examination; and
  • ensure undergraduate students are treated fairly and in accordance with established policies in the decisions concerning student standing in the program, promotion, graduation and assessment/examination.

Committee Members

The Committee consists of:
  1. the Associate Dean – Academic as Chair;
  2. six College of Engineering Faculty Council members comprised of one representative from each of the following units:
    • Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
    • Department of Civil & Geological Engineering
    • Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
    • Department of Mechanical Engineering
    • School of Professional Development
    • Department of Physics & Engineering Physics
  3. a faculty member rotating between four departments in the following order: Chemical & Biological Engineering, Civil & Geological Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering; and
  4. a staff member as designated by the Director, Engineering Student Centre (ex-officio and non-voting).
  5. Administrative support for the Committee will be provided by the Engineering Student Centre.


Consistent with the University of Saskatchewan policies on “Admission to Degree Programs” and “Student Appeals of Evaluation, Grading and Academic Standing,” the principles that govern the committee’s work include:
  • Justice and Fairness: All rules, regulations and procedures regarding students must embody the principles of procedural fairness. Processes involving student appeals will be pursued fairly, responsibly and in a timely manner.
  • Learning as a Shared Responsibility: As described in the University’s Learning Charter, learning requires the active commitment of students, instructors, and the institution, and depends on each party fulfilling its role in the learning partnership.
  • Quality: The University of Saskatchewan will recruit and admit students who have demonstrated commitment to learning and have the potential to successfully complete the academic requirement of the program.
  • Mutual Respect and Diversity: The University of Saskatchewan values diversity and is committed to promoting a culture of mutual respect and inclusiveness on campus.
  • Confidentiality: Committee members are prohibited from disclosing any student information received through participation in the Committee, including information received orally or in writing.
  • Conflict of Interest: A Committee member shall apply the highest ethical standards to avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest or conflict of commitment in fulfilling his or her responsibilities. This includes but is not limited to ensuring appeals are heard by committee members who have not had prior involvement with the case.


The Committee, under the direction of the Chair, is responsible for fulfilling its mandate by undertaking activities including but not limited to:
  1. developing college policies on:
    • student standing in the program, including policies on student promotion, discontinuation and requirement to withdraw
    • graduation requirement, Dean’s Honour Roll and degrees with distinction
    • student assessment and examination
    • admission and readmission requirements
    • the number of students who may be admitted to the College;
    • recommending the above policies to Faculty Council for approval;
    • ensuring the above policies are maintained and published;
    • providing advice to the Assistant Dean – Teaching and Learning regarding transfer articulation and block transfer agreements;
    • hearing appeals of decisions concerning a student’s standing in the program, including promotion of students and their discontinuation or requirement to withdraw for failure to meet the requirements for promotion; and
    • considering the readmission applications of students who discontinued and wish to return to the program in accordance with policies on readmissions.
The Chair of SAAC is responsible for:
  • ensuring the committee operates in accordance with its Terms of Reference, other Faculty Council and University Council bylaws and within University policy;
  • requesting the presence of non-committee members as needed;
  • representing SAAC at Faculty Council meetings; and
  • coordinating work with Undergraduate Academic Programs Committee, as necessary.

Appeals Subcommittee

Mandate: The Appeals Subcommittee is established to make decisions on student appeals and requests regarding promotion, graduation, examination and assessment.
Membership: The Appeals Subcommittee is comprised of:
  • the Associate Dean – Academic as Chair; and
  • four voting members of SAAC, as appointed by the Committee.

Quorum is three of five members.

Re-admissions Subcommittee

Mandate: The Re-admissions Subcommittee is established to make decisions on readmission applications of students who discontinued as a result of their failures to meet the requirement for promotion and desire to return to the program after a minimum of one year. The Subcommittee will do so in accordance with University and College policies.

Membership: The Re-admissions Subcommittee is comprised of three voting members of SAAC, as appointed by the Committee.

The Readmissions Subcommittee will elect a member to serve as Chair of the Subcommittee.

Quorum is two of three members.