
1 The College of Engineering Constitution sets forth selected aspects of College of Engineering governance. 
2 This Constitution is aligned with documents approved by university-level bodies governing the functioning of the University of Saskatchewan.  Those documents take precedence.  
3 The Constitution includes the College of Engineering Faculty Council bylaws.  These bylaws are subject to the bylaws, policies, and regulations of the University Council, which establishes the Faculty Council.   To the extent that any previous resolution of the Faculty Council or its predecessors or any committee of that Council is inconsistent with this document, the University Council document has precedence.
4 In addition to the obligations in the Faculty Council bylaws, Faculty Council expects: 
(a)       the Dean of the College of Engineering to: 
(i) annually provide a report on the College’s accomplishments of the past year and the goals for the coming year;
(ii) meaningfully engage Faculty Council in the Dean’s role of overseeing the work of the College and of the teaching and training of the students of the College; and
(iii) attend and participate in Faculty Council meetings.  
(b) all administrative leaders, including but not limited to the Dean and Associate Deans of the College, to provide an opportunity for Faculty Council to provide input and advice on all significant decisions and on significant changes in College policy.
5 Faculty Council will provide guidance and advice when it is requested and will work with college administration to implement initiatives and/or decisions that are endorsed by Faculty Council.  

Faculty Council Bylaws

1 The Faculty Council of the College of Engineering is established under the authority of the University of Saskatchewan Council, whose powers and duties are in turn established by the University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995.  
2 (1) Under Part Three of the University Council Bylaws and Regulations, the Faculty Council of each college or school, subject to the provisions of the act, the bylaws of the University Council and the general control of the University Council, shall have charge of matters of scholarship and discipline.  The duties delegated by University Council to the Faculty Councils are laid out in Part Three, Section V, Subsection 2 of the University Council Bylaws and Regulations.  
  (2) At the time of last revision of these bylaws, the duties of Faculty Council were specified as follows:

To make recommendations to the University Council concerning the requirements for admission to programs offered by the college or school; 

       (b) To establish and report to the University Council on the number of students who may be admitted to a college or program of study and to report to the University Council on the number of students admitted each year; 
(c) To make recommendations to the University Council concerning addition, deletion or modification of courses and programs of study, and concerning the requirements for successful completion of such programs; 
(d) To establish and publish rules and methods for the progression and graduation of students and for their suspension or requirement to withdraw permanently for failure to meet the requirements for progression; 
(e) Subject to the University Council’s examination regulations, to establish and publish rules and standards with respect to the assessment and examination of students in courses and programs offered by the college or school; 
(f) To make decisions concerning progression of students and concerning their suspension or requirement to withdraw, in accordance with the rules approved by the Faculty Council, and to hear appeals of such decisions; 

(g) To approve candidates for degrees, diplomas and certificates; 
(h) To approve candidates for scholarships, prizes, and other awards and honours; 
(i) To establish a mechanism for appointing hearing boards to hear allegations of academic misconduct as provided for under the University Council’s regulations governing academic misconduct; 
(j) To consider appeals from students in accordance with the University Council’s regulations governing student appeals in academic matters.
3 In addition to these statutory powers and duties, Faculty Council serves as a forum for the participation and engagement of members of Faculty Council in discussions of policies, plans and decisions by the College administration that directly affect those areas for which Faculty Council has responsibility.

4 The membership of the Faculty Council of the College of Engineering is prescribed in the Bylaws of the University Council, Part Three, Section V, Subsection 1.
5 Members on leave retain their right to participate in meetings and are counted in quorum.
6 In accordance with a duly approved motion of the Faculty Council, Faculty Council may recommend changes in its membership to the University Council.

7 The majority of Faculty Council members belong to Council as a result of holding an academic appointment in the College of Engineering. Other members of Faculty Council are appointed as follows:
  (a) The representatives of departments from other colleges shall be appointed by the respective department heads and shall hold membership for a period of three years.

The representatives of other colleges and schools that are not specific to a department shall be appointed by the Dean of that college or school and shall hold membership for a period of three years.



The representatives from the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics shall be identified by the department head annually for a period of twelve months.
(d) The graduate student representatives must be enrolled in a graduate program that is affiliated with the College of Engineering. These representatives shall be appointed by the University of Saskatchewan Graduate Students’ Association and shall hold membership for a period of twelve months.
(e) The Associate Dean – Academic shall determine which undergraduate student associations are entitled to have membership on Faculty Council as provided in the University Council bylaws. At the time this constitution was last revised, the list was as follows:
(i) two representatives from the Saskatoon Engineering Students’ Society, as voting members; and
(ii) the president or equivalent of each discipline/program undergraduate students group as non-voting members.
8 All members’ terms begin on July 1st
9 If a member is unable to serve his or her complete term, he or she is deemed to have resigned and a replacement member shall be appointed in accordance with the above provisions.
10 An ex officio member who is entitled under Council bylaws to delegate his or her membership may designate an individual to serve on the Faculty Council with the same powers as the designator. The Faculty Council Chair may, at his or her discretion, ask for written documentation of the delegation prior to allowing a delegate to participate.

11 The officers of the Faculty Council are the Chair and the Secretary.
12 (1) The Chair of the Faculty Council shall be elected by the members of the Faculty Council.
  (2) The Secretary shall provide all members of Faculty Council with a minimum of twenty clear business days notice that an election will be held for Faculty Council Chair.

The Secretary will make available a nomination form and allow a minimum of ten clear business days for receipt of nominations.

(4)    A Council member is nominated for the position of Chair when the Secretary receives the nomination form signed by the nominee and three members of the Council. The nomination form will contain a brief description of the nominee stating the nominee's qualifications for the position of Chair of the Council.
(5) A minimum of five clear business days prior to the date of the election, the Secretary will send to all members of the Council the names of the nominees and the brief description of each nominee as provided in the nomination form.
(6) Voting will take place in a Faculty Council meeting using secret ballots.
(7) In the event of a tie, the Secretary will select the Chair by lot.
(8) In the event that no nominations are received by the deadline for nominations for Chair, a second call for nominations shall be sent. If the second call for nominations does not elicit a nomination within five business days, the Dean shall appoint a member of Faculty Council to serve as Chair for a one-year term.
13 The Chair shall hold office for a period of three years unless removed by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Council. Terms are renewable.
14 The Chair shall appoint an acting Chair for a maximum of 12 months if he or she is absent or is incapable of acting for any reason. If the Chair is incapable of acting and no designate is appointed, the Chair shall be the Dean of the College of Engineering until such time as an election can be held as specified in section 12.
15 The Chair shall:
(a) preside at all meetings of the Faculty Council, to preserve order and decorum and, subject to appeal, decide all questions of order and other questions as provided in these bylaws;
(b) in consultation with the Dean and the Secretary, prepare a draft agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Council and present it for approval at the meeting;
(c) in accordance with University Council bylaws, transmit to University Council for consideration and review all matters which belong to the care of the University Council or which from their nature concern more than one college or school;
(d) ensure the maintenance of an archive of the proceedings and all approved minutes of Faculty Council meetings;
(e) as the spokesperson for Faculty Council, explain the decisions, activities and procedures of Faculty Council;
(f) encourage and facilitate broad participation of Council members in the business of Faculty Council; and
(g) monitor the work of Council committees and ensure decisions are made in accordance with Faculty Council bylaws and procedures.
16 The Chair may seek the guidance and assistance of the Dean and the University Secretary with respect to matters of procedure.
17 The Secretary acts as the delegate of the University Secretary under University Council Bylaws Part Three, Section V.1.E. The Chair shall collaborate with the Dean and the University Secretary to ensure a Secretary is named to the Faculty Council.
18 Under the general direction of the Chair, the Secretary shall:
(a) assist the Chair in the preparation of agendas and minutes;
(b) arrange for the distribution of notice of meetings, agendas and minutes to all members of the Faculty Council;
(c) record attendance at all meetings;
(d) record all motions, resolutions, and other decisions made at meetings;
(e) facilitate the election of the Chair and the Nominations and Bylaws Committee,
(f) facilitate the appointment of members to Faculty Council in accordance with these bylaws;
(g) maintain a comprehensive list of the members of Faculty Council and its committees and their terms, and make this list accessible to the College community; and
(h) ensure Faculty Council committee records are secure, accessible and maintained in such a way that promotes accountability, transparency and eases transition between committee chairs.

19 Regular meetings of the Faculty Council will be held during the academic year. No less than three meetings will be held each academic year.
20 Notice of regular meetings will be in writing and will be provided to all members no less than 30 days in advance of the meeting.
21 A special meeting of the Faculty Council may be held at any time upon the call of the Chair. Upon the written petition of not fewer than 10 voting members, the Chair shall call a special meeting for the transaction of such business only as may be specified in the notification of the meeting. Special meetings require written notice to all members not less than 5 clear business days in advance.
22 An agenda and, wherever practical, all supporting material shall be sent to each member of the Faculty Council at least 5 clear business days in advance of the meeting. Notice of any substantive motions to be voted upon by the Faculty Council shall be included. A ‘substantive motion’ refers to any motion dealing with a substantive matter which requires consideration by members of the Faculty Council prior to the meeting at which the motion is presented. Whether or not a motion falls within this definition is determined by the Chair. This requirement may be suspended upon vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a meeting.
23 Notwithstanding section 22, the convocation lists of degrees, certificates, honours and distinctions and the recommendations of convocation awards need not be included in advance in the agenda material but may be circulated at the meeting at which these items are considered.
24 The quorum for regular and special meetings will be 25 members with at least 50 percent of these being administratively assigned to the College of Engineering. For a special meeting specific to approval of graduands, quorum will be 20 members with at least 50 per cent of these being administratively assigned to the College of Engineering.
25 A meeting may be postponed or canceled at the call of the Chair.
26 Meetings of the Faculty Council are normally open to the members of the University community and may, at the discretion of the Chair, be open to the public. Non-members may participate in the discussion at the discretion of the Chair.
27 The Chair may call for any meeting or portion of a meeting to be closed. Every member of the Faculty Council, whether a voting or non-voting member, shall be entitled to attend closed meetings and/or sessions, unless that member has a conflict of interest. If a real or perceived conflict of interest is declared, the Chair shall rule whether the member should remain.

28 Meetings shall be presided over by the Chair or, in the absence or disability of the Chair, the designate; or, in the absence or disability of both, by the Dean.
29 The agenda will be approved at the beginning of each meeting. Except as provided elsewhere in these bylaws, all questions legitimately before Faculty Council shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present. The Chair shall not vote on a motion before Faculty Council except when there is an equal number of voting members supporting and opposing the motion.
30 Voting will normally be by a show of hands unless otherwise specified in these bylaws. A procedural motion to require a secret ballot vote must be seconded and approved by a majority.
31 In an emergency circumstance as determined jointly by the Dean and the Chair, a motion may be put to the members electronically. Electronic approval of a two-thirds majority of the members of Faculty Council who vote to any motion, provided quorum is met, will be deemed to have the same force and effect as a motion adopted by a vote of the members at a meeting duly convened, and will be recorded in the minutes of the next regular meeting.
32 Any member may have his or her vote recorded for the minutes on request. The number voting for or against a motion shall be entered on the minutes at the call of any two members.
33 For procedures not covered in these bylaws, Faculty Council adopts the rules of order contained in Procedures for Meetings and Organizations, Third Edition by Kerr and King.

34 Faculty Council may establish standing and ad hoc committees to facilitate its work and, subject to the approval of University Council and without jeopardizing Council’s authority, may delegate decisions to its standing committees.
35 Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, all recommendations of committees will be brought to Faculty Council for decision.
36 The chair of each standing committee is responsible for the committee fulfilling its mandate as specified in these bylaws. The committee chair will regularly provide updates to faculty council and will provide a full report on committee operations annually.
37 Standing committees may create subcommittees, including subcommittees composed of persons who are not members of Faculty Council. A majority of members of any standing committee shall be members of Faculty Council. Standing committees may not delegate decision-making authority to subcommittees unless specifically provided for in these bylaws.
38 A standing committee shall have written terms of reference outlining its composition and accountabilities that are approved by Faculty Council. Each committee shall regularly, or at the request of the Faculty Council Chair, review its terms of reference, and may recommend changes to the Nominations and Bylaws Committee.
39 Standing committee members shall be appointed in accordance with committee terms of reference. The Chair shall appoint members of ad hoc committees. If possible, the Chair shall seek input from Faculty Council, the Nominations and Bylaws Committee and other college leaders.
40 Unless otherwise specified or provided for in the committee terms of reference, the terms of office of each Faculty Council committee member, including the Chair:
(a) is three years, renewable for a total of six consecutive years, and
(b) begins on July 1.
41 A committee member cannot delegate his or her responsibilities to another faculty member unless specifically provided for in the committee terms of reference.
42 A vacancy will be declared in the case of a committee member who resigns, is absent from the campus or otherwise unavailable to attend meetings for a period of six consecutive months or more. A vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Nominations and Bylaws Committee terms of reference.
43 The Dean and the Chair of Faculty Council are ex officio non-voting members of all standing committees.
44 An ex officio member of a committee may designate an individual to serve in her or his place with the same powers as the designator. To initiate the designation, the ex officio member will inform the Chair of the committee in writing.
45 The quorum for all standing committees except the Nominations and Bylaws Committee is a majority of voting members. The quorum for the Nominations and Bylaws Committee is two thirds of the voting members.
46 Matters decided by the Committee shall be decided by a majority vote of those present and eligible to vote. The Committee Chair has the same voting rights and obligations as any other committee member.
47 The Committee Chair shall ensure there is a record of decisions from each committee meeting and shall make these minutes available to all members of the Faculty Council upon request. Minutes for meetings when confidential matters are discussed shall be handled in accordance with Faculty Council’s procedures for confidential matters as specified in section 52.
48 The Dean may seek the advice or assistance of a committee of Faculty Council with respect to particular items of business. The advice and assistance shall not contradict or conflict with policies of the Faculty Council, and the Committee shall report to Faculty Council on the general nature of the advice given.

49 University Council Bylaws require that each Faculty Council keep a record of its proceedings and this record be open to any member of the Faculty Council. A copy of the proceedings shall, upon request, be furnished by the Secretary to the Chair of the University Council and/or to the President of the University.
50 Wherever practical, draft minutes, including a record of all motions and resolutions, from all regular and special meetings shall be circulated to all members with the agenda material for the next meeting, and be presented for adoption at that meeting.
51 Faculty Council, its committees and its officers shall strive for transparency in all proceedings except when dealing with issues of privacy or confidentiality as specified in section 52. Subject to section 52, the record of all general and special meetings shall, once adopted, be signed by the presiding Chair and the recording Secretary of the meeting and made available for inspection by any member of the Faculty Council.
52 Records of motions from closed sessions may be deemed confidential by the Chair and the related portion of the minutes may remain confidential. In such cases, the non-confidential portion of the minutes will reflect the fact that a confidential section has been removed. Both the non-confidential and the confidential portion of the minutes are considered to constitute the official record of the meeting and will be preserved for the official archive.

53 Members of the Faculty Council and its committees will have as their principal concern the welfare of the college and of the university. Members will exercise independent judgment and may not act as agents of any person or organization.
54 All members of the Faculty Council and its committees are expected to be aware of and act in accordance with the University’s policies on conflict of interest.
55 A member of Faculty Council or a Faculty Council committee must disclose and identify a conflict of interest (including a perceived conflict of interest), and will abstain from voting on matters on which he or she has a conflict of interest. When appropriate, the member will withdraw from deliberations with respect to the matter. The minutes will reflect the disclosure and any abstention or withdrawal.
56 A committee member may raise the question of whether another member has a conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest on a matter before the committee, and to ask a member to withdraw from the deliberations and/or to refrain from voting on a matter. The Chair may request full disclosure of the individual's relevant interests or an explanation that no conflict of interest exists. The Chair shall rule on any questions of conflict of interest and all rulings shall be final. If there are questions of conflict of interest regarding a committee chair, the rulings shall be made by the Faculty Council Chair. If there are questions of conflict of interest of the Faculty Council Chair, rulings shall be made by the Dean of Engineering.
57 Student members will be considered to be in a conflict of interest and excluded from consideration of those matters where the performance of students is under review or consideration.

College Review Committee

1 The College Review Committee exists as a committee of the faculty of the College of Engineering.
2 This committee operates in accordance with the University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association Collective Agreement.
3 The committee shall be comprised of:
(a) The Dean of the College of Engineering, as Chair
(b) The Associate Dean, Faculty Relations (non-voting)
(c) Five College of Engineering tenured faculty members comprised of one member from each of the following units:
(i) Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
(ii) Department of Civil & Geological Engineering
(iii) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
(iv) Department of Mechanical Engineering
(v) School of Professional Development
(d) Two College of Engineering tenured faculty members rotating between four departments in the following order: Chemical & Biological Engineering, Civil & Geological Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
4 The seven faculty members provided for in Section Three, Part (c) and (d) above shall:
  (a) include a minimum of four full professors; and
(b) be appointed by Faculty Council in accordance with Part II, sections 40 and 42 of the constitution and the Nominations and Bylaws Committee terms of reference.
5 A faculty member planning a leave is not eligible to serve on the Committee for the academic year of his or her leave. As necessary, a replacement member shall be appointed by the Nominations and Bylaws Committee for the full academic year.
6 If a vacancy arises due to an unplanned leave or other unforeseen circumstances, the Nominations and Bylaws Committee shall appoint a replacement member in accordance with the above terms for the balance of the academic year.

Faculty Council Committees

1 There shall be the following committees of Faculty Council:
(a) Nominations and Bylaws Committee
(b) Student Academic Affairs Committee
(c) Undergraduate Academic Programs Committee
(c) Academic Misconduct and Appeal Committee
(e) Student Awards Committee
(f) Engineering Program Improvement Committee
2 The terms of reference for each standing committee are included in the Faculty Council bylaws.

Administrative Committees

1 The Dean shall establish standing committees to support college operations. These committees include:
(a) College Executive Committee
(b) Local Safety Committee
(c) Research and Partnerships Committee
(c) CJ Mackenzie Organizing Committee
(e) Outstanding Service Award Selection Committee
(f) Faculty Recognition Committee
(g) Saskatchewan Centre of Excellence for Transportation and Infrastructure Management Committee
(h) Saskatchewan Centre for Masonry Design Management Committee
(i) Danyluk Staff Development Fund Committee
(j) Advisory Council to the Dean
2 The terms of reference for each standing committee are included in the Faculty Council bylaws.

Amending the Constitution

1 Part I, II, III and IV of this document, as well as this clause, are under the authority of the Faculty Council. A motion to amend these parts of this constitution will be preceded by a notice of motion presented in writing to Faculty Council members not less than 15 clear business days prior to the date of the meeting at which the motion is to be considered. This notice period may be waived upon vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting. The motion on amending the bylaws will require a two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting to pass.
2 Amendments to Part V, as well as this clause, are under the purview of the Dean and require the Dean’s written authorization to revise. Faculty Council will be promptly informed of any changes approved by the Dean.