College of Engineering

ECE Faculty & Staff List

Picture of  Robert Johanson

Robert Johanson
Associate Professor and Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  J. Eric Salt

J. Eric Salt BSc, M.Eng., Ph.D
Professor, Undergraduate Chair Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Ramakrishna Gokaraju

Ramakrishna Gokaraju BE, MSc, PhD, PEng
Professor, Graduate Chair Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Brian Berscheid

Brian Berscheid BA, BSc, Ph.D, P. Eng
Barbhold Chair & Associate Professor (On Sabbatical) Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Roy Billinton

Roy Billinton BSc, MSc, PhD, D.Sc
Distinguished Emeritus Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Ron Bolton

Ron Bolton B.E, M.Sc., Ph.D
Emeritus Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Francis Bui

Francis Bui BSc, MSc, PhD
Graduate Chair Biomedical, Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Li Chen

Li Chen BSc, M.Eng, Ph.D, P.Eng.
Professor (On Sabbatical) Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Picture of  Nurul Chowdhury

Nurul Chowdhury BSc, M.Eng, Ph.D, P.Eng.
Adjunct Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Brian Daku

Brian Daku BSc, MSc, PhD, P.Eng.
Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  David Dodds

David Dodds B.E, M.Sc.
Emeritus Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Sherif Faried

Sherif Faried BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Joel Frey PhD, P.Eng.
Assistant Professor Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development

Picture of  Robert Gander

Robert Gander BSc, MSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Rory Gowen

Rory Gowen
Support Engineer, Deputy Building Warden Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Chandler Janzen

Chandler Janzen
Support Engineer, Chief Building Warden Electrical and Computer Engineering

Falyn Jarvis BA, BSc
Administrative Assistant Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Rajesh Karki

Rajesh Karki B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., P. Eng
Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Safa Kasap

Safa Kasap PhD, DSc, PEng, FIEEE, FAPS, FOSA
Distinguished Professor of Optoelectronic Materials Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  David Klymyshyn

David Klymyshyn B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., P. Eng
Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Seok-Bum Ko

Seok-Bum Ko PhD, P. Eng
Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Picture of Dr. Xiaodong Liang

Dr. Xiaodong Liang BEng, MEng, MSc, PhD, PEng
Canada Research Chair in Technology Solutions for Energy Security in Remote, Northern, and Indigenous Communities & Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Ebrahim Bedeer Mohamed

Ebrahim Bedeer Mohamed B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng.
Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of Professor Ha Nguyen (1973-2022)

Professor Ha Nguyen (1973-2022) BEng, MEng, PhD
Professor, NSERC/Cisco Industrial Research Chair in Low-Power Wireless Access for Sensor Networks, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jason Pannell BSc, MSc, PEng
Support Engineer Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Mohindar Sachdev

Mohindar Sachdev BSc, MSc, PhD, D.Sc., F.I.E.E.E, F.E.I.C.
Emeritus Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Aryan Saadat Mehr

Aryan Saadat Mehr BSc, MSc, PhD, P.Eng.
Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Daniel Teng

Daniel Teng BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

Picture of  Khan Wahid

Khan Wahid BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Picture of  Hugh Wood

Hugh Wood B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering