College of Engineering celebrates Canada's Agriculture Day
The College of Engineering is pleased to celebrate Canada’s Agriculture Day.
Here are just a few of our ongoing research projects that contribute to Canada’s agricultural industry.
Pneumatic Conveying for Air Seeding
Since 2009, research in the air-handling laboratory has supported developments in air-seeder technology. Focusing on techniques for condition monitoring, modelling, and understanding of flow properties, this work has involved eight graduate students, contributed to the training of numerous undergraduate students, and led to a growing list of patents related to flow monitoring and control of sparse solid-gas flows. The work has been supported by NSERC through CRD and IPS programs, MITACS through the Accelerate program, and CNH Industrial.
Imaging and Spectroscopy for Plant Agriculture and Research
Imaging from satellites and drones is being used more and more in agricultural production and research. By studying the interaction of light with plants and plant canopies, we are contributing to ensuring high-quality data are collected, and that information about the plants can be extracted from it. Working closely with colleagues in Plant Science and Computer Science, we are taking a leading role in supporting aerial- and ground-based imaging and analysis in the CFREF-funded Plant Phenotyping and Imaging Research Centre project administered by the Global Institute for Food Security.
Photo courtesy of Scott Noble. Doctoral student Reisha Peters adjusts a camera system being used to study plants as part of the P2IRC (Plant Phenotyping and Imaging Research Centre) project. For more information.
International Quarter-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition
Since 2002, the students of the U of S Sled Dogs have competed in the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) International Quarter Scale Tractor Student Design Competition. In this annual, industry-sponsored event, teams of students from across North America and beyond must design, build, test, and present their tractor designs to panels of industry experts and compete in performance events. The primary event of the competition is the tractor pull, where each team attempts to pull a progressive sled the furthest to demonstrate their tractor’s performance. Involvement in the competition is a great way for students to learn teamwork, engineering design and manufacturing processes, and network with other students, industry professionals and employers.
Contact quarterscale.tractor@usask.ca
For more information on these projects, please contact Scott Noble, assistant professor mechanical engineer, principal investigator.