Dr. Safa Kasap Awarded Saskatchewan Centennial Enhancement Chair
Dr. Safa Kasap of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department has been awarded a Saskatchewan Centennial Enhancement Chair in recognition of his outstanding accomplishments as a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1).
The Enhancement Chair program recognizes the exceptional quality of the recipient’s research impacts and their successful establishment of an elite national and international reputation in their field.
Dr. Kasap is greatly deserving of this award, having made exceptional contributions throughout his career to our college, our students, the university, Canada’s scientific community, and engineering education. He is regarded as an innovative teacher and mentor as well as a distinguished researcher and leader.
Dr. Kasap is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and the Engineering Institute of Canada, and a recipient of the IEEE Canada J.M. Ham Medal for outstanding contributions as an engineering educator. Recently, he was also named a University of Saskatchewan Distinguished Professor in recognition of his many contributions to engineering research and education. Dr. Kasap’s nomination from the college received overwhelming support, showing a genuine pride in what he has accomplished in his career.