Two Usask engineering students to represent Canadian engineering students under the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students

The College of Engineering is proud to share that two College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan students, Zenon Kripki and Mitch Cassidy have been respectively elected President and Vice-President Academic of the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES).

The Canadian Federation of Engineering Students is a student-run organization that unites 51 member engineering student societies at 46 universities across Canada with accredited engineering programs, representing Canadian undergraduate engineering students. The goal of the CFES is to solicit, represent, organize and exchange views, information and activities pertinent to the goals of the members at a national level as to ensure their moral, intellectual, cultural, academic, social and economic well-being, and to improve the quality and scope of Canadian engineering education. 

CFES partners include Engineers Canada, the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of Canada (ACEC), the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST), and the National Association of Engineering Student Councils in the United States (NAESC).  The CFES also produces the Canadian Engineering Competition, held each year in March, and the Conference on Diversity in engineering, held in November.

Zenon Kripki, President-elect and Mitch Cassidy, Vice-President Academic elect, will begin their terms in April 2017 until May 2018. Please join the College of Engineering as we congratulate our two students in their new leadership roles.

For more information on the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students: