Ferguson selected as 2025 Darcy Lecturer
The Darcy Lecture Series recognizes outstanding groundwater professionals.
Grant Ferguson has been selected as the 2025 Darcy Lecturer by the National Groundwater Association (NGWA).
The Darcy Lecture Series in Groundwater Science was established by the NGWA to foster interest and excellence in groundwater science and technology. Each year, a panel of scientists and engineers invites an outstanding groundwater professional to share his or her work with their peers and students through this lecture series.
"Being selected as the 2025 Darcy Lecturer was a complete surprise and is a huge honour,” says Ferguson. “The lectures I will be giving address sustainable groundwater use and the intersection between groundwater systems and the energy transition. These are critical issues in Saskatchewan and I am hoping to start important conversations on these topics."
Ferguson, the Centennial Enhancement Chair in Groundwater-Energy-Food Nexus, is a joint appointment with the Department of Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering and the School of Environment and Sustainability.
The Darcy Lecture Series is most often presented at universities and professional associations throughout the world. It is named in honour of Henry Darcy of France for his 1856 investigations that established the physical basis upon which groundwater hydrogeology has been studied ever since.