Venkatesh Meda MBA, MSc, PhD, PEng
Professor and Graduate Chair of Biological Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering- Address
- Room 1C119 Engineering Building
- 57 Campus Drive
- Saskatoon, SK
- S7N 5A9
Research Area(s)
- Post-Harvest Processing
- Food / Bio-process Engineering
- Bioproducts and Biomaterials
- Techno-economics and LCA for Circular Economy
- Technology Entrepreneurship
Education and Experience
MBA (CED), Cape Breton University, 2017
Ph.D. McGill University, Bioresource Eng, 2002
M.Sc. McGill University, Ag. & Biosystems Eng, 1996
B.Eng. (Mech Eng.) Bangalore University, 1990
P.Eng. (Registered Professional Engineer, APEGS)
Associate Memberships
Faculty, College of Graduate Studies and Research, Dec. 2002 – present
Affiliate Member, Global Institute for Food Security, 2014-present
Member, Global Water Security Institute, 2014-present
Adjunct faculty, Biomedical Engineering, 2009-present
Adjunct Professor, QUT, Australia, 2019-present
Dr. Meda is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Chemical and biological Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada and is main research focus is oriented on “Post-harvest value-added processing of food / biomaterials using novel technologies”. He has established an “Electro-magnetic Energy Applications” laboratory (for sensing and processing), along with his colleagues in other collaborators on campus. The microwave bio-processing research lab. is equipped with the state of the art processing systems and analytical capabilities. Dr. Meda has been recognized for this leadership and visionary qualities towards the effort he is investing on a global and sustainable food security.
Dr. Meda has published over 100 peer reviewed Scientific publications, 6 book chapters, 200 conference proceedings and supervised more than a dozen of post-graduate students and visiting scholars from Canada, India, Turkey, China, Iran, Sri Lanka and other EU countries. He has been invited as a key note speaker at International conferences in countries such as New Zealand, Turkey, Brazil, Austria, France, England, USA, and other Asia pacific region. He has been actively involved in Collaborations in India including Karunya University, NIFTEM, IIT-Delhi, NABI-CIAB, IICPT, IIT-Kharagpur, UAS, Bangalore, and TNAU.
Bioprocessing, Food Process Engineering, Biomaterials, Post-harvest management
Current and Past Projects
- Design and Development of Hybrid Drying Sytem for Saskatoon Berries (SFGA, Riverbend plantations, Saskatoon, Ms. G. Whittington).
- Manufacturing resistance starch from Canadian Wheat, Barley and Lentils for value-added food product development (INFRAREADY Products Ltd, Mr. M. Pickard, Saskatoon and Prof. R. Tyler).
- Development of Microwave Assisted Extraction System for Spices (pepper, coriander). Essential oils sampling procedure development (UAS-Bangalore, India and McGill University, Canada).
- Dehydration and textural characteristics beef meat jerky (in Collaboration with Prof. P. Shand, Dept. of Applied Microbiology and Food Sc.).
- Microwave and InfraRed Processing of Baking Ingredients (in Collaboration with Food Eng. Dept. Prof. G. Sumnu, METU, Ankara, Turkey).
- Microwave and Photo-Catalytic Treatment of contaminated Water (NWRI, UoR, CSC, Chemical Engineering, UoS.).
- MW-Vacuum Drying of Biomaterials (UBC, Prof. T. Durrance and EnWave Corp, B.C., Canada).
- Biomaterial handling and forestry materials processing using EM Energy utilization (Wood Processing Group, ENSIS-SCION, Rotorua, NewZealand, Dr. T. Haslett and S. Riley).
- Developing a Microwave assisted (infrared, vacuum) processing of lentils, pulses and oilseed crops
- Development of a Tribo-electrostatic Separation (dry fractionation) technology of proteins and starch from pulses /lentils flour
- AI based tools for ingredient manufacturing of proteins, starch and other nutrient and functional components.
- CSBE-SCGAB JOHN CLARK National Award, 2013
- Recipient of CSBE-SCGAB Glenn Downing Award, 2018
- Recipient of CSBE-SCGAB FELLOW award, 2019
- SES Educator of the Year 2022, Saskatoon Engineering Society, APEGS
- Recipient of EIC-FELLOW (Engineering Institute of Canada), 2023