Christopher Hawkes BSc, PhD, P.Geo., P.Eng.
Associate Professor Civil Geological and Environmental Engineering- Address
- Room 2B24 Engineering Building
- 57 Campus Drive
- Saskatoon, SK
- S7N 5A9
Research Area(s)
- Caprock integrity
- Geological storage of CO2
- Geomechanical site characterization
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Petroleum geomechanics
- Reservoir mechanics
- Wellbore stability
Education and Experience
B.Sc. 1990 (U.N.B.), Ph.D. 1996 (U.N.B.)
Project Geoscientist 1996-2002 (Advanced Geotechnology Inc.)
Current and Past Projects
Hydraulic Fracture Design; Caprock Integrity Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Storage Reservoirs; Laboratory Analysis of Rock Mechanical Properties, Numerical and Analytical Modelling of Stresses, Deformations and Fluid Flow in Porous Media