W.J. (Chris) Zhang B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (TU Delft), P.Eng., FCAE, FASME, FSME, FAAIA, SrMIEEE
Professor Mechanical Engineering, Division of Biomedical Engineering- Address
- Room 2B34 Engineering Building
- 57 Campus Drive
- Saskatoon, SK
- S7N 5A9
Research Area(s)
- Mechanical Design
- Manufacturing
- Dynamic System and Control
- AI and Informatics
- Robotics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Micro fluid-solid system and its applications
Research Group(s)
- Advanced Engineering Design and Manufacturing
- Control Systems, Robotics, and Fluid Power
Education and Experience
B.Sc. (ECUST, China), M.Sc. (DonHua, China), Ph.D. (TU Delft), P.Eng.
Specialization: Design, Manufacturing, Biomechatronics, Dynamic System and Control, MEMS, Informatics, Robotics, Socio-tech systems.
Current Projects (Selected)
- Resilient physical systems: towards a new paradigm for systems design and control
- Micro and Nano accuracy and precision system;
- CNT-based biosensors;
- Nano-robotics;
- Human-assistive robotics;
- Networked critical infrastructure systems: modeling and simulation;
- Nano drug delivery systems;
- Modeling of human cognitive behaviour for health and education.