Sean Maw PhD, PEng
Jerry G. Huff Chair in Innovative Teaching & Associate Professor Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development, Biomedical Engineering- Address
- Room 2A20.1, Engineering Building
- 57 Campus Drive
- Saskatoon, SK
- S7N 5A9
Research Area(s)
- Sports Engineering (especially Winter Sports such as curling, speed skating, skiing, and sliding sports; and crash protection – head and body)
- Engineering Education (especially employment trajectories, academic integrity, creativity, design/tech innovation, VR, student confidence, competency-based assessment, first year curriculum, and assessment enhancement tools)
Doctorate of Philosophy, University of Alberta, 2002, Centre for Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine. An Evaluation of Polypyrrole Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate for Artificial Muscle Applications
M.A.Sc., University of Waterloo, 1993, Department of Systems Design Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. A Spinal Arm Control Circuitry Simulator (SpArCCS)
B.A.Sc., University of Waterloo, 1990, Department of Systems Design Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. Management Sciences Option
Associate Memberships
Faculty Member, Biomedical Engineering Program, University of Saskatchewan
Assistant/Associate Professor, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Director of Engineering Research, Olympic Oval, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Announcer for Long Track Speed Skating (Sochi and Pyeong Chang Winter Olympics)
Shad Valley Canada (Program Director/Faculty/PA/Coordinator/Fundraiser)
Short Track Crash Pad Protection System Designer
Visiting Scientist, Risø National Labs, Roskilde, Denmark
Currently teaching:
GE 124 – Mechanics I (Statics)
GE 125 – Mechanics II (Dynamics)
GE 898 – Engineering Design Perspectives
Recently taught:
GE 495 – Tech Innovation Capstone Design
GE 121 – Introduction to Engineering Design
GE 430 – Engineering Entrepreneurship Capstone
GE 299 – Programming Introduction in Matlab
GE 101 – Introduction to the Engineering Profession
P. Lozowski*, K. Szilder, and S. Maw, 2013. A model of ice friction for a speed skate blade. Sports Engineering, 16 (4): 239-253.Poirier*, E.P. Lozowski, S. Maw, D.J. Stefanyshyn and R.I. Thompson, 2011. Experimental Analysis of Ice Friction in the Sport of Bobsleigh. Sports Engineering, 14 (2): 67-72.
Poirier*, S. Maw, D. Stefanyshyn and R.I. Thompson, 2009. Optimization of Handheld Gauge Sizes for Rocker Measurements of Skate Blades and Bobsleigh Runners. Sports Engineering, 11 (4): 201-206.
Maw*, L. Proctor, J. Vredenburg and P. Ehlers, 2006. Influence of Starting Position on Finishing Position in World Cup Short Track Speed Skating. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24 (13): 1239-1246.
Maw*, E. Smela, K. Yoshida and R.B. Stein, 2005. Effects of monomer and electrolyte concentrations on actuation of PPy(DBS) bilayers. Synthetic Metals, 155: 18-26.
Maw*, E. Smela, K. Yoshida, P. Sommer-Larsen and R.B. Stein, 2001. The effects of varying deposition current density on bending behaviour in PPy(DBS)-actuated bending beams. Sensors and Actuators A, 89: 175-184.
Maw*, J. Frank and G. Greig, 1996. A Spinal Circuitry Simulator As A Teaching Tool for Neuromuscular Physiology. Advances in Physiology Education, The American Physiological Society, 15 (1): 50-68.
Maw* and E. LeDrew, 1992. Design and Development of a University Institute for Space Education, Research and Development. Acta Astronautica, 28: 301-306
Frey, J., Maw, S., Bens, S., Bugg, J., and Sparling, B. 2019. Design of a Completely New First-Year Engineering Program at the University of Saskatchewan – Part II, CEEA 2019 Conf., June 8-12, Ottawa, ONBanow, R., and Maw, S. 2019. First Results from a Study on the Efficacy of Using Virtual Reality (VR) to Teach Truss Mechanics, CEEA 2019 Conf., June 8-12, Ottawa, ON
Frey, J., Maw, S., Bens, S., and Sparling, B. 2018. Design of a Completely New First-Year Engineering Program at the University of Saskatchewan, CEEA 2018 Conf., June 3-6, Vancouver, BC
Smith, D.M. and Maw, S. 2017. Supplementary Results of the CAIS-1 Survey on Cheating in Undergraduate Engineering Programs in Saskatchewan, CEEA 2017 Conference, June 3-6, Toronto, ON
Mirzaei, O., Neufeld, P., Knoblauch, J., Gerbrandt, J., Runco, M., and Maw, S. 2017. Creativity in Design Engineers: Attitudes, Opinions and Potentially Influential Factors – Part II, CEEA 2017 Conference, June 3-6, Toronto, ON
Lozowski, E., Maw, S., Kleiner, B., Szilder, K., Shegelski, M., Musilek, P., and Ferguson, D. 2016. Comparison of IMU Measurements of Curling Stone Dynamics with a Numerical Model. Proceedings ISEA 2016: International Sports Engineering Association, July 11-14, Delft, the Netherlands
Smith, D.M., Bens, S., Wagner, D., and Maw, S.* A Literature Review on the Culture of Cheating in Undergraduate Engineering Programs, CEEA 2016 Conference, June 19-22, Halifax, NS
Neufeld, P., Mirzaei, O., Runco, M., and Maw, S.* Creativity in Design Engineers: Attitudes, Opinions and Potentially Influential Factors, CEEA 2016 Conference, June 19-22, Halifax, NS
Maw, S. Lessons Learned from Teaching a Pilot Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurial 4th Year Capstone Design Course, CEEA 2016 Conference, June 19-22, Halifax, NS
Kuley, E.A.*, Maw, S., and Fonstad, T. 2016. Understanding Barriers to Student Success: What Students Have to Say, CEEA 2016 Conference, June 19-22, Halifax, NS
Kuley, E.A.*, Maw, S., and Fonstad, T. 2015. Engineering Student Retention and Attrition Literature Review, CEEA 2015 Conference, May 31-June 3, Hamilton, ON
Hewlett, J., Hoessler, C., and Maw, S.*, Engineering Education: Does Our Training Reflect Student Employment Trajectories? CEEA 2015 Conference, May 31-June 3, Hamilton, ON
Lozowski*, K. Szilder, S. Maw, A. Morris, L. Poirier and B. Kleiner, 2015. Towards a first principles model of curling ice friction and curling stone dynamics. Proceedings of the 2015 ISOPE Conference, June 21-26, Kona, Hawaii.
Maw, S.* and Lagu, I., 2014. Evaluation of Student Work Using a Letter Grading Scheme in Design and Calculus, CEEA 2014 Conference, June 8-11, Canmore, AB
Maw, S., 2014. An Introductory Design Project Case Study: Cardboard Beds for Emergency/Refugee Situations, CEEA 2014 Conference, June 8-11, Canmore, AB
Maw, 2013. Teaching Dynamics Using Sports Biomechanics. CEEA 2013 Conference, June 17-20, Montreal, QC
Maw*, A. Morris, and A. Clarke, 2012. Helmet Shape and Size Considerations in Short Track Speed Skating Crash Pad Impacts. Proceedings of the ASTM International Symposium on the Mechanisms of Concussion in Sports, November 13, Atlanta, USA (in press)
Maw*, V. Lun, and A. Clarke, 2012. The influence of helmet size and shape on peak linear decelerations when impacting crash pads. Proceedings ISEA 2012: International Sports Engineering Association, July 9-13, Lowell, MA, USA.
Lozowski*, K. Szilder, and S. Maw, 2012. A model of ice friction for an inclined incising slider. Proceedings of the 22nd ISOPE Conference, (9 pp) June 17-22, Rhodes, Greece.
Maw*, J. Miller-Young and A. Morris, 2012. First-Year Engineering Computing Courses in Canadian Engineering Programs. CEEA 2012 Conference, June 17-20, Winnipeg, MB
Maw, 2011. Building Bridges to a Better Engineering Design Education Experience. CEEA 2011 Conference, June 6-8, St. John’s, NFD
Poirier*, E. Lozowski, S. Maw, D.J. Stefanyshyn and R.I. Thompson, 2011. Getting a Grip on Ice Friction. Proceedings of the 21st ISOPE Conference, 1: 1071-1077, June, Maui, USA.
Maw* and C. Johnston, 2010. The Design of Foam Crash Pads for Short Track Speed Skating on Boarded Rinks. 2nd International SportSURF Conference, April 21-22, Loughborough
Maw*, E.K. Tomaras, T. McClements, A. Yuen and B.R. MacIntosh, 2009. Assessing Klap Kinematics and Cardiorespiratory Responses in Speed Skating with On-Board Biotelemetry. Asia-Pacific Conference on Sports Technology (APCST), September 21-22, Hawaii.
E. Miller-Young* and S. Maw, 2007. Engineering Design and Communications: Successes and Failures of an Evolving First-year Course. Proceedings of the 114th ASEE Conference & Exposition, July, Honolulu, USA.
R. Johnston, S. Maw* and R.O. Fauvel, 2006. The Design and Implementation of a Crash Pad Evaluation System for Speed Skating. The Engineering of Sport, 2: 307-12 (E.F. Moritz and S. Haake [eds]), July, Munich.
Penny, E. Lozowski*, T. Forest, C. Fong, Maw, P. Montgomery, and N. Sinha, 2006. Speedskate ice friction: review and numerical model – FAST 1.0, Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 495-504 (F. Wilhelms and W.A. Kuhs [eds]), July, Germany.
Maw*, C.R. Johnston and A. Yuen, 2006. The Klap-Trap: A Device to Monitor Dynamics of the Klap Mechanism in Speed Skating. The Engineering of Sport, 3, (E.F. Moritz and S. Haake [eds]), Munich, July, 307-12
J. Saunders, S.P. Esau, B.R. MacIntosh and S. Maw, 2006. Oxygen uptake and cycling cadence on wind-loaded rollers. App. Physiol., Nutrition and Metabolism, 31, S74.
Maw, 2019. Hackathon Keynote Address, MedHack Saskatoon, Oct 4, 2019, Saskatoon, SK, CanadaBanow, and S. Maw, 2018. Using Virtual Reality to Learn Trusses. From Teaching to Research Publication: The Fundamentals of Doing SoTL, May 2, 2019, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Maw, 2019. Technology Doping in Sport, IEEE Illumination Conference, Feb, Saskatoon, SK
Maw, 2017. USask’s First Year Redesign, Cheating in U/G Engineering, 4th Year Multi-disciplinary Capstone Design, and Indigenous Design Curriculum, Schulich School of Engineering, Feb 24, Calgary, AB
Pinder, and S. Maw, 2016. Mouthguards and Concussions: Evidence for a Connection, Shirtsleeves Session of the F08-53 ASTM Sub-Committee on Sports Helmets, Nov 17, Orlando, FL, USA
Maw, 2016. Experiential Learning. Canadian Society of Soil Science Annual Conference, May 16, Kamloops, BC
Maw, 2016. Ethics in Sports and Implications for Sports Technology Development, IEEE Illumination Conference, Feb 6, Saskatoon, SK
Maw, 2014. Sports Engineering: Bridging the Gap Between Kinesiology and Engineering. College of Kinesiology Seminar, November 21, Saskatoon, SK
Maw, 2014. Communicating with Kids. National Conference on Women in Engineering, Nov 15, Saskatoon, SK
Maw, J. Miller-Young and A. Morris, 2014. Introductory Engineering Computing Courses Across Canada: Lessons Learned and Applied. University of Calgary, Schulich School of Engineering, November 6, Calgary, AB
Morris and Maw, 2014. Update on Skeleton Data Collection in Calgary. Shirtsleeves Session of the F08-53 ASTM Sub-Committee on Sports Helmets, May 7, Toronto, ON
Maw, 2014. Sochi 2014: The Other Side, PHED 1225 Organization and Administration of Sport. Guest Lecture, March 31, Calgary, AB
Maw, 2014. Sochi 2014: The Other Side. MRU Faculty of Science & Technology Seminar, March 12, Calgary, AB
Morris and Maw, 2013. Helmet Standards and the Sliding Sports. Shirtsleeves Session of the F08-53 ASTM Sub-Committee on Sports Helmets, May 22, Indianapolis, IA
Maw, 2013. Speed Skating Canada’s Safety Program: Status Report. 126th Speed Skating Canada Annual General Meeting, June 22, Ottawa, ON
Maw, A. Morris and A. Clarke, 2012. Helmet Shape and Size Considerations in Short Track Speed Skating Crash Pad Impacts. MPE Colloquium Series, Mount Royal University, November Nov 29, Calgary, AB
Maw, A. Morris and A. Clarke, 2012. Helmet Shape and Size Considerations in Short Track Speed Skating Crash Pad Impacts. ASTM International Symposium on the Mechanisms of Concussion in Sports, November 13, Atlanta, USA
Maw, 2011. The Essentials of Engineering Design. Guest Speaker at the University of Waterloo Shad Valley Program, July 19, Ontario
Maw, J. Miller-Young and A. Morris, 2012. First-Year Engineering Computing Courses in Canadian Engineering Programs. CEEA 2012 Conference, June 17-20, Winnipeg, MB
Maw, 2012. The Case for Revising ASTM F1849. Guest Speaker at the Shirtsleeves Session of the F08-53 ASTM Sub-Committee on Sports Helmets, May 9, Phoenix, AZ
Maw, A. Morris, A. Clarke and V. Lun, 2012. Designing Better Helmets Using Impact Testing. MPE Colloquium Series, Mount Royal University, March 27, Calgary, AB
Maw and A. Pousette, 2011. SSC’s New Safety Committee. 124th Speed Skating Canada Annual General Meeting, June 18, Calgary, AB
Poirier, E.P. Lozowski, S. Maw, D.J. Stefanyshyn and R.I. Thompson, 2011. Friction and Drag Measurements in the Sport of Bobsleigh. Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, M2-2-3, June, St. John’s, NL
Poirier, E.P. Lozowski, S. Maw, D.J. Stefanyshyn, and R.I. Thompson, 2011. Friction and Drag Measurements in the Sport of Bobsleigh. 1st Federation International de Bobsleigh et de Tobogganing World Championship Technical Seminar, Konigssee, Germany
Maw, 2010. Long Track Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines. 123rd Speed Skating Canada Annual General Meeting, July 2, Gatineau, PQ
Maw, 2010. Short Track Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines. 123rd Speed Skating Canada Annual General Meeting, July 2, Gatineau, PQ
Maw, 2010. A Moving Experience: The Nervous System and Your Body in Motion. Telus World of Science Speaker Series on the Brain, June 5, Calgary, AB
Maw and C. Johnston, 2010. The Design of Foam Crash Pads for Short Track Speed Skating on Boarded Rinks. 2nd International SportSURF Conference 2010, April 22, Loughborough, UK
Maw, E.K. Tomaras,.T. McClements, A. Yuen and B.R. MacIntosh, 2009. Assessing Klap Kinematics and Cardiorespiratory Responses in Speed Skating with On-Board Biotelemetry. Asia-Pacific Conference on Sports Technology (APCST), September 22, Hawaii
Poirier, E.P. Lozowski, S. Maw, D. Stefanyshyn and R.I. Thompson, 2009. Fresh approach to bobsleigh runner design. Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, SUPOS-16, June, Moncton, NB
Maw, 2009. A Review of Crash Protection in Short Track Speed Skating. CODEPS 1st Annual Conference on Speed Skating Science and Technology, January 7, Sherbrooke, QC
Maw, 2009. Managing Technology in Your Sport. ASPRWF Multisport Seminar Series, May 20, Edmonton, AB and May 21, Calgary, AB
Maw, 2009. Speed Skating Canada’s Sustainability Initiative. 8th World Conference on Sport and the Environment, March 29, Vancouver, BC
Maw, 2009. Human Research Ethics Proposals – Secrets to Success. Research in Progress Seminar Series, Mount Royal College, March 10, Calgary, AB
L Poirier, Maw, R.I. Thompson and D. Stefanyshyn, 2008. Optimization of rocker measurements with a portable gauge. Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, WE-P3-2, June, Quebec
Maw, 2007. Speed Skating Crash Pad Research & Development. IASR Research in Progress Seminar Series, Mount Royal College, October 31, Calgary, AB
Maw, N. Zaluski and K. Kiland, 2007. SOL and the Calgary Olympic Oval Energy Audit. 1st Annual Speed Skating Oval Summit, June 11-13, Calgary, AB
Maw, 2007. The Biomechanics of Running. Running Room Seminar Series, Shaughnessy Running Room, May 17, Calgary, AB
Maw, 2007. How Technology Can Impact Your Sport. 2007 AB Sport & Recreation Leadership Summit, April 14, Banff, AB
Maw, C.R. Johnston and A. Yuen, 2006. In-Situ Monitoring of Klap Kinematics in Elite Speed Skaters. Olympic Oval Research Seminar Series, December 15, Calgary, AB
Maw, C.R. Johnston and A. Yuen, 2006. In-Situ Monitoring of Klap Kinematics in Elite Speed Skaters. MRC Research Seminar Series, Mount Royal College, October 25, Calgary, AB
R. Johnston., S. Maw and R. Fauvel, 2006. The Design and Implementation of a Crash Pad Evaluation System for Speed Skating. ISEA Conference, July, Munich, Germany
Maw, C. Johnston and A. Yuen, 2006. The Klap-Trap: A Device to Monitor Dynamics of the Klap Mechanism in Speed Skating. ISEA Conference, July, Munich, Germany
Maw, 2006. A Reductionist Perspective on Creativity. K-Days: Mount Royal College Professional Development Conference, May 24-25, Nakoda Lodge, AB, Canada
Maw, 2005. Bodies in Motion: the Sports Science Perspective. Banff New Media Institute, Bodies in Motion Summit: Memory, Personalization, Mobility and Design, June 25-28, Banff, AB
Maw, M. Southworth, and O. Suchowersky, 2005. It’s About Time … Parkinsonian Time Perception. Hotchkiss Brain Institute 2005 Symposium, May, Calgary, AB
Maw, C. Johnston, A. Kitchen, E. Wong, T. Oetelaar, T. Saunders, J. Vredenburg, L. Proctor, and R. Sykes, 2004. Short Track Pad Testing, The Influence of Starting Position on Finishing Position in the 500m, Skin Suit Wind Tunnel Testing and Automated Rocker Measurements. Speed Skating Canada Annual General Meeting, June, Canmore, AB
Maw, K. Berg, M. Evans, J. Chin and A. Albert, 2004. Get Off Our Rocker and Into the Groove: Blade Rocker Evaluations in Women’s Hockey at the Calgary Olympic Oval, Women’s Hockey Conference, March, Halifax, NS
Maw and E. LeDrew, 1991. Design and Development of a University Institute for Space Education, Research and Development. 42nd Annual World Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, October, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Belev, Stefan, Maw, S., and Stavness, I. Telepalpation Research Project: Findings Report, for Dr. Ivar Mendez, Royal University Hospital, October 2016Launch™ Hockey Blade Assembly Pilot Study Preliminary Report, for David Blois/Launch Designworks, August 2014
Red Book, Section D – Safe and Welcoming Environment, Equipment, for Speed Skating Canada, 2012
Short Track Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines, for Speed Skating Canada, 2012
Long Track Crash Protection Specifications and Guidelines, for Speed Skating Canada, 2012
Experimental analysis of ice friction and aerodynamic drag during a World Cup bobsleigh competition. Report presented to the Federation International de Bobsleigh et Tobogganing, January 2011 (L. Poirier, E.P. Lozowski, S. Maw, D.J. Stefanyshyn and R.I. Thompson)
Cross Country Wind Tunnel Test Results from the NRC Low Speed Wind Tunnel, for Cross Country Canada, July 2005Olympic Oval Energy Audit & Solar Oval Legacy (SOL) Project Feasibility Report, for the Calgary Olympic Oval, Feb 2005
Fabric and Seam Testing Results from the University of Calgary Laminar-Flow Wind Tunnel, for Speed Skating Canada and Cross Country Canada, January 2005
Fabric Testing Results from the University of Calgary Laminar-Flow Wind Tunnel, for Descente and Speed Skating Canada, May 2004
Evaluation of the Impact Characteristics of the FlairAd Crash Pads, for Referee Sports Marketing NL, March 2004
Aerodynamic Drag Data Analyses on Descente Suits from the Texas 2003 Tests, for Speed Skating Canada, March 2004
Qualitative Skater Evaluations of Descente Skin Suits from the Texas 2003 Tests, for Speed Skating Canada, Jan 2004A Report on Preliminary On-Ice Aerodynamic Tests of the “One Arm” and “No Suit” Skinsuit Conditions, for Speed Skating Canada, June 2003Preliminary Report on Wind Tunnel Results regarding Various Skater Positions and Equipment, for Speed Skating Canada, April 2003