Corey Owen PhD
Associate Professor Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development- Address
- Room 2A20.5, Engineering Building
- 57 Campus Drive
- Saskatoon, SK
- S7N 5A9
Research Area(s)
- Rhetoric of Science and Technology
- Classical and Medieval Rhetoric and Virtue
- Medieval Romance
- Old English Poetry
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)
Ph.D. in English, Dalhousie University, 2007
M.A. in Classics, Dalhousie University, 2002
M.A. in English, University of Saskatchewan, 2000
Honours Certificate in English, University of Saskatchewan, 1996
B.A. in English, Concordia University College of Alberta, 1994
Research Projects
The Construction of Scientific Identity in Science Documentaries uses rhetorical theory to explore the role of documentary film in regulating scientific identity and ensuring patronage of scientific institutions.
The Seafarer: A Revised Hypertext Edition is an electronic edition of an Old English poem. http://drc.usask.ca/projects/seafarer/index.php
Wyth Vertuez Ennourned: The Concept of Virtue in the Works of the Pearl-Poet examines the rhetorical tradition of the virtues in the literature of medieval England, and explores the ways in which a prominent medieval poet reframes this tradition in Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
An Assessment of Engineering Students’ Formation of Identity as Rhetorician uses rhetorical theory to explore the efficacy of the Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development’s approach to teaching communication through conferring an identity of practice upon our students (with Debora Rolfes and Julie Hunchak).
- RCM 300: Effective Professional Communication
- RCM 408: Writing for the Public
- RCM 410: Rhetoric of Science
- RCM 495: Rhetorical Peer Mentorship (co-instructor)
- CLAS 104: Classical Myths
- CLAS 252: Pagans and Christians in the Roman Empire
- CLAS 259: Ancient Christian Literature
- CMRS 898: Reading Latin (co-instructor)
Refereed Journal Publications and Book Chapters
Moffatt, C. A. Owen, D. Rolfes, J. Wills. 2019. “Know-Nothing Foreign Celebrity Millionaires”: Celebrity, Authenticity, and the Sabotage of Civil Discourse in the Controversy of the Alberta Oil Sands. Petrochemical Rhetoric: Living in the Age of Oil in the 21st Century. Petrochemical Rhetoric: Living in the Age of Oil in the 21st Century. New York: Routledge, 227-54.
A. Owen, 2019. Proverbs, Authority, and Rhetoric in Pearl and Patience. Proverbia Septentrionalia: Uses of the Proverb in Medieval Cultures of Northern Europe. Tempe, AZ: ACMRS (Arizona State Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 153-66.
A. Owen, 2018. The Sublime Cosmic Abyss and the Bruno Exemplum in Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. Accepted: April, 2018. Forthcoming.
A. Owen, 2011. The Prudence of Pearl. Chaucer Review 45:4: 411-34.
A. Owen, 2010. Patient Endurance in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Florilegium 27: 177-208.
A. Owen, 2007. Patient Lancelot and Impatient Gawain in the Queste del Saint Graal. Arthuriana 17.3: 3-28.
Published Conference Proceedings
Rolfes, C. A. Owen, J. Hunchak, 2018. Preliminary Results of a Study Assessing Engineering Students’ Formation of Identity as Rhetorician. Proceedings for the Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference. https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/PCEEA/issue/view/814
Rolfes and C. A. Owen. 2016. Some Epistemological Foundations for a Qualitative Analysis of a Communication Community of Practice. Proceedings for the Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference. https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/PCEEA/article/view/6529
A. Owen and D. Rolfes, 2015. Communication Class Size and Professional Identity. Proceedings for the American Society for Engineering Education Conference. https://peer.asee.org/communication-class-size-and-professional-identity
A. Owen and D. Rolfes. 2014. Situated Professional Communication: A Rhetorical Approach. Proceedings for the Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference. https://ceea2014.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/ceea2014_submission_78.pdf
Conference Papers
A. Owen, 2017. Virtue Made Flesh: Marital Discord between Philosophy and Rhetoric in Cotton Nero A.X. Wisdom Belongs to God Colloquium, June, Halifax, Nova Scotia.A. Owen, 2017. Bifurcating the Sublime: The Rhetoric of North American Television Science Programming, 1955-1957. Canadian Historical Association, May, Toronto, Ontario.
A. Owen, 2016. The Sublime Abyss in Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric, June, Calgary, Alberta.
A. Owen and K. Dase, 2015. Reconfiguring The Seafarer: The Editorial Challenge of a Revised HTML Edition. 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
A. Owen, 2013. Proverbs and Rhetorical Ethos in the Fourteenth-Century English Patience, Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric, June, Victoria, British Columbia.
A. Owen, 2012. Justice as Virtue in Action. The 18th Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society. July, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.
A. Owen, 2011. The Proverbs of Pearl and Patience, Proverbia Septentrionalia: Uses of the Proverb in Medieval Cultures of Northern Europe, November, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
A. Owen, 2010. Cleanness as an Investigation of Temperance. Canadian Society of Medievalists, June, Montreal, Quebec.
A. Owen, 2008. The Prudence of Pearl. Canadian Society of Medievalists, June, Vancouver, British Columbia.
A. Owen, 2007. The Difficulty of Manifesting Enduring Fortitude in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Canadian Society of Medievalists, May, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
A. Owen, 2006. The Proper Direction of the Passions in Medieval Adventure Narratives. Canadian Society of Medievalists, May, Toronto, Ontario.
A. Owen, 2006. The Gendering of Patience in the Works of the Gawain-Poet. Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, May, Toronto, Ontario.