- hear allegation of academic misconduct in accordance with the University of Saskatchewan Council Regulations on Student Academic Misconduct;
- hear undergraduate student appeals pursuant to College and University policy in matters not directly involving substantive academic judgment, including:
- appeal of decisions of the Student Academic Affairs Committee; and
- appeal of assessment of course work;
- advise the Dean or designate on the development of college policies and procedures for academic misconduct.
Undergraduate student appeals will be considered at the discretion of the Dean or designate on the following grounds:*
- failure to follow procedural regulations of the College or University dealing with assessment of: student’s academic work or performance; or administrative decisions and the
- application of regulations governing program or degree requirements;
- differential treatment compared to other students in the course or program, where the alleged differential treatment affected assessment of the student’s academic work, performance or standing;
- alleged discrimination or harassment as set out in the University’s Policy on Discrimination and Harassment Prevention and associated procedures, where the alleged discrimination or harassment affected assessment of the student’s academic work, performance or standing; or
- failure to implement the approved policy and procedures of the University concerning accommodation of students with disabilities, where the alleged failure affected assessment of the student’s academic work, performance or standing.
*Adapted from “University-Level Appeal of Matters Other than Substantive Academic Judgment” appeal form.
Reporting Structure
Faculty council delegates decision-making authority to this committee within the scope of the above mandate and university policy.
Committee Members
- the Dean of the College of Engineering or designate as Chair;
- six College of Engineering Faculty Council members comprised of one representative from each of the following units:
- Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
- Department of Civil & Geological Engineering
- Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- School of Professional Development
- Department of Physics & Engineering Physics; and
- one full-time undergraduate student as designated by the Associate Dean – Academic.
The Committee Chair will create a panel of committee members to hear each misconduct case or appeal comprised of the committee chair, three faculty members and the student member.
Administrative support for the Committee will be provided by the Engineering Student Centre.
Conflict of Interest
A committee member shall apply the highest ethical standards to avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest or conflict of commitment in fulfilling his or her responsibilities. This includes but is not limited to ensuring appeals and misconduct cases are heard by committee members who have not had prior involvement with the case.