Engineering students celebrate milestone in their degrees
USask Engineering officially inducted its second- and third-year students to their chosen disciplines at the annual Hard Hat Ceremony.
By USask Engineering CommunicationsDean Suzanne Kresta welcomed the students who attended the Sept. 24 event at Saskatoon’s Prairieland Park. Following newly implemented rules for USask events, all those attending were required to show ”green” status on their USask Vaccination Status Channel.
“It’s important that we keep these celebrations in our lives. Like our gentle return to campus, they are a reminder that we are moving back to safely marking these milestones together,” Kresta told the students.
With the ceremony held virtually last year, third-years were invited to join the second-years to receive their hard hats in person.
Kresta had important advice for the students as they continue on the path toward their degrees.
“Keep working hard as you continue your journey. While it is true that no one lies on their death bed wishing they had spent more time at work, it is also true that the times I have felt most alive are the times I have worked in the service of something much larger than myself.
“Those times spent working hard with close colleagues are also memories that we cherish, and the things we build with high performing teams are some of the enduring joys of our professional lives.”
Following her remarks, each discipline group (chemical, civil, computer, electrical, engineering physics, environmental, geological and mechanical) was called to the front of the room where they received words of wisdom and encouragement from a USask Engineering alum before having their hard hats placed on their heads by alum and faculty.
To conclude the ceremony, students recited the college’s Statement of Ethics, a reminder that their behaviour must reflect the high standards of the profession they have chosen.

The popularity and impact of the Hard Hat Ceremony has continued to grow each year. Students who attended this year said they appreciated the sense of community and recognition of reaching a new stage in their degrees.
- “It shows the strong community that USask Engineers maintain and also shows that the professors and university care about our accomplishments and future.”
- “It means a lot because it’s like a welcome-to-your-future ceremony. It recognizes all of your hard work in the past and the great things still to come.”
- “It makes me feel a part of something I have been working towards since I came to university.”
This year, for the first time, students were able to invite family members and friends to attend the ceremony, but concern about the increasing number of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Saskatchewan resulted in having those 500 guests to attend virtually in order to reduce the number of people at the event.
“Our hybrid event tonight – and the willingness and hard work invested to shift our fomat on short notice to keep our teams and our community safe - is an example of the strength and integrity of our profession and our college,” Kresta told the event.

USask Engineering is grateful to the sponsors who supported the ceremony.
Event Sponsors:
- Engineering Advancement Trust
- Graham Construction
Ethics Pledge Sponsor:
- Hatch Ltd.
Hard Hat Sponsors:
- Calian Advanced Technologies
- K+S Potash Canada
- O’Kane Consultants
- Saskatoon Engineering Society
- Vendasta