Feldman, Noble appointed department heads
Lisa Feldman and Scott Noble began their five-year terms as department heads in the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Engineering on July 1.
Feldman to lead Department of Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering
Professor Lisa Feldman was appointed head of the Department of Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering for a five-year term, starting July 1, 2023. She earned her degrees in civil engineering at Waterloo, University of Texas at Austin, and Western and joined the University of Saskatchewan in 2005.
Feldman has collaborators in the United States and several European countries and has published a number of associated journal publications. Additionally, she has contributed to four building codes and is a fellow of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (2015) and the American Concrete Institute (2013), with a structural engineering focus in reinforced concrete.
She is also a former chair of the College of Engineering’s Faculty Council
In May 2023, Feldman began a three-year term on the Technical Activities Committee (TAC) of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), significant recognition of her professionalism and technical expertise.
Noble appointed head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor Scott Noble was appointed head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering for a five-year term starting July 1, 2023. He earned his engineering degrees at the University of Guelph and at USask, with a postdoctoral fellowship in physics at the University of Lethbridge.
Noble has made extensive contributions to research in precision agriculture, with 14 US patents and publication of more than 30 peer reviewed papers.
In the college, Noble has been a leader in the administration and development of academic programs in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He was the department lead during the college’s accreditation review and a member of the undergraduate curriculum committee during the redesign of labs in the mechanical engineering program.
Noble has also been the faculty advisor for the Sled Dogs 1/4 Scale Tractor student design team since 2009.