What's new in the Engineering Library Learning Commons
The Engineering Library Learning Commons is a top study and collaboration space for students in the College of Engineering.
By Helen PowerHere’s what you need to know about updates to the learning commons space this fall, how to book space and who to contact for IT and library help.
What’s changing at the ELCC?
Ten small square tables will be added to the space for those who prefer to study individually or in smaller groups.
Power outlets are being added in the centre of the library. This will be done using a threading system on top of the tiles, under a carpet. This work is under way now, with the section cordoned off while the work is being done.
When is the library open?
The ELLC is open during the hours that the Engineering Building is open. So, if you can get into the Engineering Building, you can get into the ELLC!
I’m an APEGS member. What’s available to me at the USask Library?
APEGS members can borrow physical items from the library and access online resources while on campus. The Science Library has a public computer that can be used to access online resources. This new webpage just for APEGS members has the most up-to-date information about the library.
Where are the books?
The books have been moved from the ELLC to the Science Library. Books can be checked out and returned at the Science Library. This includes short-term loans for specific courses.
Where is the Science Library?
The Science Library is located in Room 180 of the Geology Building, which is completely accessible through the indoor walkways from the Engineering Building.
Is the ELCC only for studying?
In addition to providing more room for studying, the ELLC by the college and the University Library for various events, such as conference poster sessions and first-year tutorial sessions.
What if I have a problem with the printer or one of the computers?
You can find information about the computers in the library, including what programs they have here. The computers are managed by USask’s IT department, and you can get help here. There are no public or alumni computers in the ELLC. This page lists the locations that have public and alumni computers, which includes the Science Library.
Who do I ask if I need help?
There are signs in the ELLC with contact information depending on what you need help with.
Printer issues should be directed to USask’s IT department.
If you have general questions about the library or need help using a specific online resource, these questions can be asked through the University Library’s Ask Us chat service.
If you need help with research, including finding different types of resources for your projects, evaluating these resources, identifying places to publish, or developing your online scholarly identity, please contact me, Helen Power. I am the engineering subject expert, and my office is on the second floor of the Engineering Building, in room 2B41.