About the Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan consists of 24 faculty, and 8 administrative and technical staff members. The department is one of the four departments in the College of Engineering, along with the Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering.   The Department of Mechanical Engineering is also connected to interdisciplinary programs on campus including the Divisions of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Engineering.  The College of Engineering began in 1912.

Our undergraduate program has been fully accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board since the beginning of the accreditation program in 1965.  This allows graduates of the program to apply for registration as Professional Engineers in all provinces of Canada, after obtaining acceptable engineering experience. Undergraduate students begin specialization in Mechanical Engineering at the beginning of the second year of their four year program, after completing their first year in the general engineering program.  Undergraduate enrolment in the department in the final three years totals approximately 300.

The department offers graduate programs at the M.Eng., M.Sc. and Ph.D level. Students work on research projects that range from fundamental investigations to applied research aimed at solving current industrial problems. Graduate student enrolment is approximately 100 students. Many of our graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and undergraduate research assistants are involved in research with partners within Saskatchewan, across Canada, and around the world.  

The department also maintains strong links with our partners in industry, government and other organizations through their participation in our second, thiand fourth year design project courses.

Undergraduate Programs

We offer the advantage of small, intense classes.

Our classes are based upon core engineering subjects for the first two years, then increasingly specialized in technical and design-based principles in the third and fourth years.

The undergraduate program presents a challenging and interesting workload. We offer the advantage of small, intense classes, large lab facilities, superb faculty and excellent support staff.

Graduate Programs

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science (M.Sc.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Engineering (M.Eng.).  In the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs, graduate students complete course work, and conduct thesis research under the supervision of a faculty member.  M.Eng. students complete course work and a project. Graduate student enrollment is approximately 100 students, and about half of our students are enrolled in the Ph.D. program. Our graduate program is one of the largest on the University of Saskatchewan campus.

Submit an online application

Before beginning your online application, be sure that you have carefully reviewed all program information and admission requirements on this page. All of our programs require a supervisor, and it is recommended that applicants secure a supervisor prior to beginning an application.

During the application, you'll be asked for:

  • Personal information such as your name, address, etc.
  • Contact information of your three referees
    • For your letters of recommendations, two of your referees must be academic contacts, and the third may be academic or professional
  • Your complete academic history from all previous post-secondary institutions

The application takes about 30 minutes to complete. You may save your application and return to it later.

At the end of the application, you will need to pay a non-refundable $120 application fee. Your application will not be processed until payment is received. 

For more information, please see our FAQ page


Our People


Research in the department ranges from fundamental investigations intended to advance theoretical understanding to practical studies intended to solve current industrial and societal problems. Research is supported by over 100 highly qualified personnel (graduate students, summer students, postdoctoral fellows, research engineers, research associates and visiting professors).

A significant number of the research projects in the department involve industrial, government, community and other partners who provide funding, expertise, and access to special research facilities. Partner organizations are based in Saskatchewan, across Canada, and around the world. Faculty members are also active in professional associations, technical societies and editorial boards.

Faculty members pursue research in seven broad areas within mechanical engineering.

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Mechanical Design

Faculty: D. ChenC. Zhang

  • Computational Mechanics
  • Design of Flexible Manipulators
  • Structural Dynamics and Vibrations
  • Experimental Methods
  • Finite Element Method
  • Optimization
  • Nonlinear Stress Analysis
  • Solid Mechanics

Faculty: A.T. DolovichR. FotouhiJ.D. JohnstonE.J. McWalter

  • Bioinformatics
  • Biomechanics
  • Biomedical Implants
  • Biomedical Signal and Image processing and Analysis
  • Bionetwork Analysis
  • Bone, cartilage, and Soft Tissue
  • Drug Target Identification
  • Imaging, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis
  • Tissue Engineering

Faculty: D. ChenA.T. DolovichJ.D. JohnstonF.X. WuC. Zhang, E.J. McWalter

  • Acoustic Sensing
  • Artifical Neural Networks
  • Dynamic Modeling
  • Dynamics and Controls of Robots
  • Fluid Power, Hydraulics
  • Mechatronics
  • MEMS
  • Mining Equipment, Energy Efficiency, Mobile Equipment
  • Nonlinear Control Systems
  • Network Control Theory

Faculty: D. ChenR. FotouhiF.X. WuC. Zhang, T. Wiens

  • Agricultural Machinery
  • Animal Welfare, Livestock Production and Transport
  • Crop Phenotyping
  • Imaging: Spectroscopy, Hyperspectral imaging, Machine vision
  • Pneumatic Conveying
  • Process Monitoring

Faculty: T. Crowe, R. Fotouhi, H. Guo, S. Noble, R. Welford

  • Air Quality and Environment Control
  • Building Science
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Emission and Dispersion Monitoring and Modelling
  • Experimental Fluid Dynamics (Aerodynamics, Particle Image Velocimetry, Wind Tunnel Testing)
  • Experimental and Numerical Heat Transfer
  • Fluid-structure Interaction
  • Fire Science and Thermal Protective Clothing
  • HVAC Systems, Heat and Energy Exchangers

Faculty: D.J. Bergstrom, J.D. Bugg, C.J. Simonson, D. Sumner, D.A. Torvi

  • Adiabatic Shear Bands
  • Ballistic Impact Testing
  • Coatings
  • Composites: Polymer Matrix and Carbon/Carbon Composites
  • Corrosion
  • Deformation and Failure Analysis
  • Friction Wear and Corrosion,
  • Material Characterization and Testing
  • Material Processing
  • Nanocrystalline Materials
  • Nanostructured Thin Films/Coatings
  • Natural Fibres and Biomaterials
  • Physical Metallurgy; Ferrous, Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys
  • Plasma andIon Beam Deposition and Etching
  • Welding

Faculty: D. Cree, A.G. Odeshi, I. Oguocha, J. Szpunar, Q. Yang


  • The information in this section is designed to increase the accessibility of safety information available in the department.  It is a supplement to the University's Safety Resources web page.
  • Safety is a critical aspect of all activities in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. All activities in the department must be conducted with safety foremost in mind. If you have any questions at all about safety issues, please talk to your supervisor, the departmental assistant in charge of your laboratory area, or the Dept. Head.

  • All employees require proper training in the area of Health and Safety.  The following key courses are compulsory for every employee (student, staff or faculty) and can be accessed here.
    • Laboratory Safety
    • WHMIS 
    • Safety Orientation for Employees
    • Safety Orientation for Supervisors

  • All individuals (students, staff, faculty, regardless of discipline) who are using Mechanical Engineering facilities or equipment are required to read, understand and sign ME0001 - Mechanical Engineering Department Requirements. The OFFICIAL hardcopy of this document is kept in room 3B48 and MUST be signed at that location.

  • In addition to the training requirements listed in ME0001, local safety or site specific safety training may be required.  This required training is specified in the Orientation Check List that each person must complete when they arrive in the department. This check list also includes lists of expectations for individuals and individual lab orientations. No key requests will be accepted unless a completed Orientation Check List is completed.

  • Other training courses for specific applications are available at Safety Resources 

  • Mechanical Engineering Applicable Regulations identifies the legal and other requirements that apply to the activities of the department

  • The University's  Workplace Responsibilities System outlines the obligations for University employees (including Graduate Students) according to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and Regulations.

  • Checklists and forms can be found here including the working alone/after hours form.
  • Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn in laboratories.

  • NO unlabeled substances are permitted in the laboratories.

  • All Chemical spills or near-miss incidents MUST be reported to the Departmental Assistant and/or your Faculty Supervisor and the appropriate form completed.

  • It is the researcher's responsibility to BACK UP their own data. Data left on department computers may be deleted without warning should the computer need rebuilding.

  • Everyone should be aware of their "right to refuse" any work that they feel is unsafe and information/documentation cannot be provided to prove that the work is being conducted in a safe manner.

  • All documents provided on this or related web pages are for reference only, the official documents are the hard copies found in the locations indicated. All material printed from this or related web pages cannot be guaranteed to be up to date.

  • Laboratory access is a privilege, those who repeatedly neglect safety will lose lab access and their ability to conduct experimental research.

  • The Department has a standing Safety Committee which meets once per month to discuss safety issues in the laboratories. The committee is chaired by the Department Head. All Departmental Assistants are permanent members of the committee. Two faculty members each serve three‐year terms. There are two graduate students on the committee who each serve eight‐month terms.
  • The Safety Committee performs inspections of all laboratories in the department. Inspections are done every month on a rotating basis so that each laboratory is inspected twice per year. The results of these inspections are discussed at the monthly safety meetings and action items are recorded in the minutes to formally record required corrective actions and assign responsibility to an individual.

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