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Research Area(s): Hemodialysis membranes; Membrane science and nanotechnology for energy & water sustainability; Biomimetic and bioinspired nanomaterials for biomedical applications and advanced technologies; Process modeling, simulation and optimization of complex systems
Research Area(s): Cellulose-based biomaterials, biochemicals and nanocomposites ; Thermochemical and biochemical conversion technologies
Research Area(s): Reproductive physiology/endocrinology; Ultrasonography; Medical imaging
Research Area(s): Hydrometallurgy; Mineral Processing; Metals Recovering / Recycling; Biosorption; Biomaterials; Waste / Residue Treatment; Acid Mine Drainage (AMD); Prcoess Modelling; Process Flow sheet Development; Process Optimization
Research Area(s): Radiotherapy; CLS Biomedical Imaging Beamline
Research Area(s): Diagnostic radiology; Medical Imaging; PET; MRI
Research Area(s): Lipid-based soft nanoparticles and nanodiamond-based gene delivery systems including synchrotron-based techniques
Research Area(s): Efficient Extraction of Bioactive Components; Radio Frequency Heating; Food and Biomaterial Processing; Heat and Mass Transfer; Reaction Kinetics; Ultrasound, Pulsed Electric Field; Process Design and Optimization; Food Safety and Quality
Research Area(s): Mining Education; Engineering Education; The Historical Canadian Mines Data Hub accessed via or
Research Area(s): Educational technology; Rapport building strategies; Formative assessment techniques; Faculty development; Graduate student mentoring; Narrative inquiry; Discourse Analysis; Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices; Rhetoric
Research Area(s): fluid dynamics; thermal sciences; energy
Research Area(s): Diffraction Enhanced Imaging (DEI); dual energy K-Edge Subtraction imaging (KES); X-ray Fluorescence Imaging (XRF) and Absorption Phase Contrast Imaging (A-PCI) using synchrotron radiation for biomedical research
Research Area(s): Bridges; Cement-based materials ; Computational mechanics; Constitutive modeling; Corrosion of reinforcing steels; Damage mechanics; Durability of construction materials; Fiber reinforced composites; Fiber reinforced polymers; Service life/performance prediction of reinforced concrete structures
Research Area(s): Interdisciplinary Social Sciences; Engaged Scholarship; Social and Cultural Impact Assessment; Water Empathy and Policy; Community-Driven Co-Design
Research Area(s): RF coils for plasma and MRI; Biomedical Optics
Research Area(s): Particle Image Velocimetry; Experimental Fluid Dynamics; Bubble Dynamics; Taylor Bubbles
Research Area(s): Machine learning; Biomedical engineering; Signal processing; Medical imaging; Information Security & Biometrics; Wireless Communications
Research Area(s): Engineering Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation; Teaching and Learning of Entrepreneurship
Research Area(s): Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), equine dentistry (temporomandibular joint disease) and evidence-based medicine
Jean E. Murray Chair in Cancer Research and Research Scientist, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, Assistant Professor in Oncology and Associate Member Biomedical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan
Research Area(s): Tissue Engineering, 3D tumor Models and Drug Screening
Research Area(s): Bioremediation; Contaminated site assessment and remediation; Freezing contaminated soils; Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria; Microbial community characterization; Petroleum hydrocarbons
Research Area(s): Physics of contrast mechanisms such as diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI); Diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI); Soft tissue contrast characterization; X-ray optics research; Synchrotron and conventional imaging systems
Research Area(s): Tissue Engineering; Scaffold Bio-fabrication; Mechatronics; Nano-Positioning
Research Area(s): Radiation effects in microelectronics; Radiation tolerant digital and analog circuits and systems; Fault tolerant neural networks; Silicon reliability; Biomedical sensors
Research Area(s): Adaptation of muscle and bone to excersise and nutrional interventions; Spinal cord injury and conditions that effect bone and mineral status
Research Area(s): Livestock transport; Animal welfare; Livestock production
Research Area(s): Chemical Reaction Design; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Biomass and Bioenergy; Petroleum Processing; Materials Synthesis and Characterization; Gas Processing; Hydrotreating; Sustainable Energy; Value-added processing; Nanotechnology; Gasification; Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Research Area(s): Solid mechanics; Nonlinear stress analysis; Experimental methods
Research Area(s): Orthopedic trauma; Adult joint reconstruction; Arthroplasty; Joint dislocations; Fractures and breaks
Research Area(s): Skeletal development, evolution and regeneration; Use of cutting edge techniques in molecular genetics; Synchrotron imaging; 3D bioprinted tissue engineering; Comparative transcriptomics
Research Area(s): Climate change impacts; Decision analysis; Floods; Machine learning; Prairie hydrology; System dynamics; Water-energy-food nexus; Water resource management; Watershed hydrology
Research Area(s): Geotechnical; In-situ testing; Saturated/unsaturated soil mechanics; Soft ground tunneling
Research Area(s): Computer Vision; Image Processing; Medical Image Analysis; Computer Assisted Diagnosis
Research Area(s): Modelling Localized Corrosion; Particle Technology; Torrefaction; Measurement of Protective Film growth and Damage on Metals; Heat and Moisture Transfer in Granular Media; Product Quality of Granular Fertilizers; Fuel Cells
Research Area(s): Bond and development of reinforcement; Bridge engineering; Code calibration; Large-scale testing; Reinforced concrete; Reinforced masonry; Service life prediction; Structural engineering; Structural evaluation; Structural rehabilitation
Research Area(s): Engineering geology; Geothermal energy; Groundwater modeling; Heat transport in porous media; Hydrogeochemistry; Hydrogeology
Research Area(s): Geotechnical Engineering; Full-scale physical modelling of soil-geosynthetic systems; Earthworks & Transportation Geotechnics; Behaviour and improvement of weak clays
Research Area(s): Biogas production from anaerobic digestion and gasification; Environmental protection; Geoenvironmental engineering; Hydrology; Ion exchange in reactive groundwater transport; Waste utilization
Research Area(s): Robotics (Dynamics and Control); Structural Dynamics and Vibrations; Computational Mechanics (Finite Element and Optimization); Biomechanics
Research Area(s): Use of synchrotron radiation to solve structural and chemical problems in biology and chemistry
Research Area(s): Neural control of animal behaviour; Biologically inspired algorithms for artificial systems; Behavioural and neurophysiological aspects of adaptive insect flight; Investigating interactions between an animal's external environment and its nervous system; Effects of pesticides on neural function
Research Area(s): HVAC; Air quality control; Environment control for agricultural buildings; Air emission and dispersion monitoring and modelling
Research Area(s): Caprock integrity; Geological storage of CO2; Geomechanical site characterization; Hydraulic fracturing; Petroleum geomechanics; Reservoir mechanics; Wellbore stability
Research Area(s): Nanofabrication of medical devices and components; Bioimaging and analysis using synchrotron technologies; Additive manufacturing
Research Area(s): Atmospheric boundary layer processes; Energy and mass transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum; Irrigation
Research Area(s): Measurement and Assessment in Engineering Education; Curriculum Design; Global Engineering Education; K-12 STEM Education
Research Area(s): Biomaterials; Tissue Engineering / Regenerative Medicine (bone and cartilage); Nanoparticles; Drug Release System
Research Area(s): Biomechanics; Medical Imaging; Computational Mechanics (Finite Element and Modelling)
Research Area(s): Photoconductors and X-ray Detectors; Electrical and optical properties of materials; Physics of Materials; Optoelectronic glasses; Excess noise in electronic devices
Research Area(s): Cerebrovascular and endovascular neurosurgery; Synchrotron imaging
Research Area(s): Deep learning processor architecture and its application; Efficient hardware implementation of compute-intensive applications; Biomedical engineering
Research Area(s): Identifing effective fracture prevention strategies for children and older adults; The role of physical activity on bone strength
Research Area(s): Turbulent Mixing; Multiphase Flow; Process Kinetics
Research Area(s): Bioinformatics; Computational biology; Machine learning; Constraint logic programming
Research Area(s): Biomechanics; Musculoskeletal modelling and simulation; Orthopaedics; Motion analysis
Research Area(s): Measurement of mass attenuation coefficients of various breast tissues; Dose-energy image quality assessment of slot scanning mammography; Tissue specific X-ray imaging; Breast cancer diagnosis utilising scattered x-rays; X-ray detection
Research Area(s): Power systems dynamics; Renewable energy integration; Synchrophasor technology and smart grids; Power electronic devices in power systems; Protection of power systems and components; Power systems in oil field facilities; Electric machines
Research Area(s): Molecular Biochemical Engineering; Fermentation; Bioethanol; Fuel Alcohol; Biotechnology; Bioprocess Development; Applied Bioinformatics; Yeast; Baker's Yeast; Microbiology
Research Area(s): Gaps in provision of health-care delivery to people with spinal cord injury; Falls in people with amputations
Research Area(s): Viral Pathogenesis; Vaccine Development; Vaccine Delivery by Nanotechnology
Research Area(s): Surgical devices and Robots
Research Area(s): Vascular molecular imaging; Molecular imaging of inflammatory bowel disease; Drug delivery
Research Area(s): Sports Engineering (especially Winter Sports such as curling, speed skating, skiing, and sliding sports; and crash protection – head and body); Engineering Education (especially employment trajectories, academic integrity, creativity, design/tech innovation, VR, student confidence, competency-based assessment, first year curriculum, and assessment enhancement tools)
Research Area(s): Drownproofing of hydraulic structures; Environmental fluid mechanics; Erodibility testing; Erosion and scour in cohesive soils; Fluid mechanics; Hydraulic design of water treatment plant reservoirs or clearwells; Scour below hydraulic structures
Research Area(s): Indigenous water and environmental related projects; Municipal and environmental engineering; Municipal wastewater; Partitioning to organic matter; Recreational water quality; Stormwater runoff
Research Area(s): Bioinformatics; Natural Computing; Theoretical Computer Science
Research Area(s): Quantitative MRI techniques to understand knee joint and soft tissue function in degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis
Research Area(s): Post-Harvest Processing; Food / Bio-process Engineering; Bioproducts and Biomaterials; Techno-economics and LCA for Circular Economy; Technology Entrepreneurship
Research Area(s): Empirical mine design; Ground control; Joint roughness; Rock mass classification; Rock mechanics; Rock stability; Rock support; Underground stability
Research Area(s): Rhetorics of Witness, Ethos, and Credibility in Canadian Public Memory; Rhetorics of Exploration and Development in Northern Canada; Historical Rhetorics of Diversity in Canada; Rhetoric of the Graphic Novel in Canada; Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
Research Area(s): Application of optimization techniques in signal processing and communications; Design of spectral-efficient and energy-efficient communication systems; Waveform design for next-generation communication systems; Internet of things (IoT); Application of artificial intelligence in signal processing and communications
Research Area(s): Horse lift system for treatment and rehabilitation
Research Area(s): Colonoscopy; Radiofrequency ablation; Feeding tubes
Research Area(s): Immunochemistry; Retrograde tract-tracing; Neuroanatomical measurement and dendritic arborization
Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan; Project Leader and Research Scientist, Bioproducts ad Bioprocesses, Saskatoon Research and Development Centre, Science and Technology Branch, AAFC, Government of Canada
Research Area(s): Engineering economics; Biomass, conversion technology, bioproducts, bioprocesses; Biosystems technoeconomic analysis, engineering economics; Biosystems life cycle assessment; Circular economy; Technology entrepreneurship: emerging technologies for bioproducts
Research Area(s): Environmental Bioengineering; Biochemical Engineering; Bioremediation; Microbial Fuel Cell Technology; Napthenic Acids; Oil Sand Tailing; Sulfur and Nitrogenous Pollutants; Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs); Biocorrosion; Bioreactor
Research Area(s): Applications of synchrotron technology to mitochondrial and neurodegenerative diseases of metal metabolism
Research Area(s): Biosorption and Adsorption; Biopesticide Production; Fuel Alcohols Dehydration; Biochemical Separation; Industrial Effluent Treatment and Metal Recovery; Gas Purification
Research Area(s): Spectroscopy; Hyperspectral Imaging; Machine Vision; Process Monitoring; Pneumatic Conveying; Agricultural Machinery
Research Area(s): Orthotics; Neuroprosthetics; Instrumentation for assessing neurological recovery; Neurophysiological effects of sports training and relationship to rehabilitation
Research Area(s): Physical metallurgy; Microstructure Design; Engineered Materials; Composite Materials; High Strain-Rate Testing and Evaluation; Failure and Fracture
Research Area(s): Characterization of Decomposition Reactions in Metallic Alloys and Metal Matrix Composites; Interface Phenomena in Metal Matrix Composites; Wear of Engineering Materials
Research Area(s): System dynamics modelling and simulation for decision making using differential equation and agent-based modelling; Project dynamics and management in software development and construction
Research Area(s): Rhetoric of Science and Technology; Classical and Medieval Rhetoric and Virtue; Medieval Romance; Old English Poetry; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)
Research Area(s): High Speed Protective Relaying; Integration of Renewable Energy
Research Area(s): Stem cells and biomaterials for cranio-facial tissues engineering; Therapeutic targeted delivery; Biosensors in oral cavity to diagnose and monitor systemic diseases
Research Area(s): Water and climate; Developing advanced stationary and non-stationary stochastic models to simulate hydroclimatic processes, including storms, flooding, drought, wind, etc., in space and time.; Understanding, quantifying, and modelling the uncertainty and variability in hydroclimatic processes.; Creating probabilistic tools to improve risk estimates of hydroclimatic extremes and assess changes.; Using big data to assess global and regional changes in extremes due to Earth System change.; Advancing bias-correction and downscaling methods for local-scale assessment of climate projections.; Forming serial complete and probabilistic ensemble datasets of meteorological forcings.
Research Area(s): Thermodynamics; Phase Behaviour; Equations of State; Petroleum; Hydrocarbons; Carbondioxide; Bitumen; Oil sands Tailings; Natural Gas; Solvent Recovery
Research Area(s): Adsorption; Bioremediation; Environmental modelling; Eutrophication; Gas transfer; Water/ wastewater treatment
Research Area(s): Synchrotron radiation studies of environmental and biological systems
Research Area(s): Professional communication; Public Speaking; Learning transfer; Communities of practice
Research Area(s): Signal Processing for Biomedical Instruments
Research Area(s): Analysis of surrogate safety measures; Evaluation of road engineering safety countermeasures; Highway geometric design; Speed management studies; Statistical methods in highway safety analysis
Research Area(s): Compact MRI; Physiological Math Models of the Brain and Ovary; fMRI data analysis; Observational and theoretical astrophysics
Research Area(s): Engineering economics; Geo-environmental Engineering; Groundwater flow and contaminant transport; Mine waste management; Project management
Research Area(s): Magnetic Resonance Hardware; TRASE Gradient-Free MRI; Retrospective shimming for high-field MRI
Research Area(s): Moisture transfer in buildings; Air-to-air energy recovery; Heat and mass transfer in porous media; Frosting and fouling of heat exchangers
Research Area(s): Biology of pulmonary intravascular macrophages; Environmental pulmonary toxicology; Cell and molecular biology of lung inflammation focusing on mechanisms of neutrophil and monocyte migration into inflamed lungs
Research Area(s): Ultrasonographic; Morphologic and biochemical kinetics of ovarian follicles to refine the bovine model
Research Area(s): Aquitard hydrogeology and characterization; Engineering geology; Hydrogeochemistry; In situ testing
Research Area(s): Pavement maintenance / rehabilitation; Pavement management; Pavement materials; Pavement performance and safety
Research Area(s): Ozone Reactions; Emerging Pollutants in Water; Advanced Oxidation Processes; Wastewater Treatment; Environmental Catalysis; Treatment of Polluted Air; Applications of Ultrasound in Water Treatment; Multiphase Reactors; Applied Catalysts and Kinetics; Novel Sorbants and Catalysts
Research Area(s): Life cycle performance of bridges; Structural dynamics; Structural health monitoring; Structural masonry; Telecommunication structures
Research Area(s): Numerical Analysis; Scientific Computing; High-Performance Computing; Heart Simulation
Originally from Montreal, I have been a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan since 1999. My main research interests are in bluff-body aerodynamics and experimental fluid mechanics. Most of my research is fundamental in nature rather than applied, and I supervise a small team of four to five graduate students. Using the traditional blackboard and coloured chalk, I teach courses in fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and thermodynamics. In the past, I have served as our department’s undergraduate program chair and graduate program chair, and have been the accreditation lead for our mechanical engineering program.
Research Area(s): Bluff-body aerodynamics; Experimental fluid mechanics; Fluid-structure interactions
Research Area(s): Advanced nuclear materials and accident tolerant nuclear fuel ATF); Generation and storage of hydrogen ; Pipeline steels for oil and gas transport; Corrosion protection; Coatings zinc and polymer based; Advanced thermal barrier coatings; Failure of metals in environment of service; Ab-initio/MD simulation and prediction of structure and properties of metals and ceramic compounds; Synchrotron techniques in electronic structure analysis
Research Area(s): Value-added Processing ; Storage and Drying of Crops; Biomass; Pelleting; Forage Process Engineering; Biofuels; Feed Processing; Post-harvest Technology
Research Area(s): Numerical and experimental heat transfer; Fire science; Heat transfer in human skin ; Protective clothing; Textile Sciences
Research Area(s): Rhetorical theory, criticism, history, and practice in technical and professional communication; Rhetorical pedagogy in technical and professional communication
Research Area(s): Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Multi-modal Imaging applications in Oncology and Radiation Oncology; Automatic quantification of in vivo proton MR spectra
Research Area(s): Health informatics, wireless capsule endoscopy, wearable health monitoring, smart-health, smart-city; Internet of things (IoT): design, development and deployment; IoT-drone generic infrastructure, security and cyber-physical systems; Image reconstruction in medical imaging (CT, MRI, etc.); Sensors and systems, wireless sensor network, body area network; Digital system design (FPGA, ASIC, embedded systems)
Research Area(s): Heterogeneous Catalysis; Reaction Engineering; Separation Engineering; Sulphur Removal; Hydrogen Production; Sustainability Development; Process Design; Catalysis Studies Using Synchrotron Beams; Catalysts and Absorbents Material Development; Carbon dioxide Reforming ; Hg Emission Control
Research Area(s): Fretting fatigue of bolted connections; Structural health monitoring; Vibration-based damage detection; Cold weather masonry materials; Mechanics of composite materials; Cement-based materials; Fibre-reinforced concrete
Research Area(s): Agricultural Machinery; Precision Agriculture
CERC Laureate
Research Area(s): Hydrological processes; Hydrological modelling; Flood risk; Water resources; Water quality; Wastes and climate change adaptation; Water resource engineering; Water resources; Watershed modelling; Water supply
Research Area(s): Fluid Power (Hydraulics); Acoustic Sensing; Dynamic Modelling; Mining; Mechatronics; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
My position, as an interdisciplinary humanities scholar teaching in the Graham School of Professional Development in the College of Engineering, has provided me the opportunity to unite my scholarship and teaching to consider the needs of minority populations in our community, such as women and Aboriginal people. I seek to connect my research and my teaching in meaningful ways to primarily engineering students. The material I teach in these classes has been shaped by my research agenda.
Research Area(s): Artificial intelligence; Machine/deep learning; Computational biology; Health informatics; Medical image analytics; Complex network analytics
Research Area(s): Medical Physics; Cryogenics; Applied Superconductivity
Research Area(s): Nanostructured thin films/coatings; Friction wear and corrosion; Tools and biomedical implants; Plasma and ion beam deposition and etching
Research Area(s): Internal fixation devices; Modeling
Research Area(s): Mechanical Design; Manufacturing; Dynamic System and Control; MEMS; AI and Informatics; Robotics; Biomedical Engineering; Micro fluid-solid system and its applications
Research Area(s): Fluidization and Multiphase Flow Systems; Clean Energy and Sustainability; Biomass and Bioenergy; Reaction Engineering; Electrostatics in Particulate System Handling; Process Intensification; PEM Fuel Cells; Green Polymers; Particle Technology